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Private Policy

All the legal stuff

I am committed to protecting any data that I collect concerning you.

This notice explains how I collect, store and use any information you choose to provide me with. Any information you provide will only be used in accordance with this privacy policy. This policy covers class members, those who I run classes for and users of this website

What personal data do you collect, how and why?

I only collect and process personal data where there is a lawful basis for processing. I collect and process personal data provided by class members because it is necessary for the pursuit of my legitimate interests:

1. To provide a satisfactory service to class members.
2. To protect the safety of class members.
3. To manage any insurance claims made by class members.
4. To ensure smooth running of my business and meet the general requirements of running a business.

I only collect the minimum amount of information required for me to pursue these interests.

Making an enquiry

You may choose to contact me via email, phone, my social media channels or in person to enquire about my classes. Any information or contact details I receive from this communication will only be used to respond to and deal with your enquiry or class booking. You will not be added to any mailing list of any kind and your contact details will not be stored without request.

If you decide to book on to a class, I will request:

Name (required) – So I can identify you at the class.

Contact Number or Email Address (required) – You will be asked to provide me with a contact number or email address if you haven’t already done so. This is so I can contact you in the unlikely event of me having to cancel a class.

Please note, the above information will not be permanently stored until you have filled out a class member registration form which requests this information (along with other information).

Making a booking

If you decide to book on to a class, you will be required to complete the booking form on this site which asks for -

So I have a record of who is booked on to each class.

Contact Number
This is so I can contact you in the unlikely event of me having to cancel the class or need to update you with any new information regarding the class.

Email Address
Required to receive confirmation of your class booking.

Class members

Upon deciding to join a class, you are required to fill out and sign a registration form before taking part. Please see below a list of all the information that is requested on this form and the reasons why:

Full name (required) – To allow me to add you to class registers therefore identifying you as an individual and paying class member. Please note that anyone under 18 will also need to provide the name and signature of a parent/guardian.

Contact Number (required) – To allow me to contact you if I have important class information e.g. if a class was cancelled without prior notice. I do not collect contact details for marketing purposes and you will not be added to any mailing list of any kind.

Email Address (advisable but optional) – To allow me to contact you if I have important class information e.g. if a class was cancelled without prior notice. I do not collect contact details for marketing purposes and you will not be added to any mailing list of any kind.

Emergency Contact Name and Number (advisable but optional) – In the unlikely event that you are taken ill, become injured or are involved in an accident, I would be able to let somebody know.

PAR-Q – Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (required) – A questionnaire designed to assess if you should talk with your doctor before taking part in any classes. This is a pre-requisite for joining a class –

To ensure your safety when taking part in classes. I am required to record this information for insurance purposes.

Due to the potentially sensitive nature of this data, I will ask for your specific consent before recording and storing this information.

Additional Information Recorded at Classes

Attendance and Payment – Depending on which class you attend, either:

- I will mark your attendance and payment on my own class register.
- I will mark your attendance and payment on a register for a group who hire me to take the class.
- A group who hire me to take the class may record your attendance and payment on their own register.

I can only accept responsibility for storing my own class registers. For registers stored by groups I run classes for, you must consult with them regarding their own privacy policy for the storing of these if you wish. It will be made clear at class whether I or a group are storing a register. It is your own choice if you choose to additionally provide your contact details to a group at their request. Again, you must refer to their own privacy policy for their procedure for storing this information.

Accident Report Forms – In the unlikely event you are involved in an accident at a class, I will need to record your details and the details of the accident for insurance purposes.


On occasion, I ask to take photographs and video clips in class to promote Dance Fit with Helen.

I only take photographs and video clips of class members who have consented to being photographed and filmed in the knowledge that their image may be used on my social media channels, on this website, for press or for any type of promotion online or otherwise. As well as appearing in any of these places, any photographs or video clips are stored on my password-protected home computer and can only be accessed by me.

If you are a class member who has consented to being photographed and/or filmed, you may remove your consent to appear in any photographs or videos and ask that your image is no longer used at any time by contacting me via email at [email protected].

If you wish for any photographs/videos that you have previously appeared in to be removed from where they have been displayed, then I will take reasonable action to remove them from all sources within one month. Said photographs/videos will no longer be used for any type of promotion and will be deleted from all storage places.

Those who I run classes for

All I require from those who I run classes for is their name and contact information so I can contact them if I need to regarding any class business. I just ask that they provide me with any additional company information needed for invoicing purposes.

Use of your personal data

I will only use your personal data for the purposes for which I collected it which have been previously stated. If for some reason I needed to use your personal data for an unrelated purpose, I would notify you and explain the legal ground of processing. I may process your personal data without your knowledge or consent where this is required or permitted by law.

Where and how is my personal data stored?

Information received via the booking form on this site (name, contact number, email address) is stored in a secure database online.

Class member registration forms are stored securely in my home office filling cabinet with photographic copies stored on my personal encrypted tablet, thus ensuring I have access to details in case of an emergency during a class.

The transportation of forms to and/or from class is done so in a secure manner via the use of a file folder with a combination lock.

If you choose to email me your registration form either already signed or for me to print out for you to sign at class, I will download it, print it and store as detailed above. I will delete said email so your form is not stored on my email account.

Please note, I will not add any contact details you provide via your form to my phone or email account until you attend. If after sending me your registration form you do not attend within the following month, your form will be shredded.

Names and contact numbers are added to my encrypted mobile phone and names and email addresses added to a contact list in my email account. Only names are added to my personal class registers and these are stored on my personal, password-protected home computer and are backed up on my personal Google Drive account. Only first names and surname initials are used in all these instances to reduce the risk of individuals being identified by anyone other than myself. I keep a list of class members’ full names on my personal, password-protected home computer for reference.

If – despite my best efforts to protect the security of your data – I suspect or detect a personal data breach, I will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where I am legally required to do so.

How long do you retain data?

Information received via the booking form on this site (name, contact number, email address) which is stored in a secure database online is only held on the database until the end of the week in which the class booking takes place.

Class member registration forms and the information provided by them are held for as long as someone is attending a class. If you stop attending a class and don’t attend at any point for the following 6 months, your name will be taken off my personal class register and contact details deleted from my email account and mobile phone. Your registration form and its photographic copy will however be stored for 3 years and 4 months after you stop attending a class.

This 3 year and 4-month period is to:

1. Allow myself access to an individual’s registration form in case of any insurance claims arising after someone stops attending a class. I have chosen this length of period to mirror the length of time accident report forms are held for.
2. Allow for anyone to take a break from classes and return without having to provide the same information multiple times.

Your form will be shredded and its photographic copy deleted after this time if you have not returned at any point.

My class registers have to be kept for 6 years for tax records.

I will ask you to undertake a new PAR Q and check your details annually. At this point when a new registration form is completed, I will update any of your details promptly and will shred your old form 3 years and 4 months after the date I received it. For the reason for this 3 year and 4-month period, please refer to statement A above.

Accident report forms have to be held for a minimum of 3 years. On this basis, I store accident report forms for 3 years and 4 months.

Email enquiries regarding my classes are kept for up to 3 months in case further follow-up correspondence is required or there is ongoing communication. After this time, they will be deleted. It is your responsibility to contact me if you wish any communication between you and I to be deleted before this time.

Sharing of personal data

I may only have to share your personal data with the following third parties for my legitimate interests (detailed at the beginning of this privacy policy) if requested with lawful basis –

1. Professional advisers including lawyers, bankers, auditors and insurers who provide consultancy, banking, legal, insurance and accounting services.
2. HM Revenue & Customs, regulators and other authorities based in the United Kingdom and other relevant jurisdictions who require reporting of processing activities in certain circumstances.
3. Service providers who provide IT and system administration services.
4. Emergency services who in the event of having to be called may ask what information I hold about you.

In any such instance, I would require all third parties to whom I transfer your data to respect the security of your personal data and to treat it in accordance with the law. I would only allow such third parties to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with my instructions.

I would like to request a copy of the information you hold about me

You have the right to request a copy of any personal information I hold about you. You may do so by contacting me via email. I will respond to any such requests within 1 month. If you believe any information I hold about you is incorrect or incomplete, please let me know as soon as you can and I will endeavour to make any corrections as soon as possible. Normally, you will not have to pay to request a copy of your information, although I reserve the right to charge for requests which are manifestly unfounded, excessive or repetitive.

My details have changed

If any of the contact information you have provided me with changes please inform me promptly. If your health changes therefore prompting a YES response to any of the PAR Q questions, you must update me immediately, cease participation and consult with a medical professional before continuing with classes.

What if I want to be removed from your records?

You have the right to request erasure of your personal data. If for some reason you wish for your personal data to be removed from my records, please get in touch and I will respond within one month. Please be aware I may not always be able to fully comply with your request due to the requirements of my insurance provider. Please also be aware that my class registers have to be kept for 6 years for tax records so I cannot remove someone’s name from previous registers if they attended.


Cookies are small files which are downloaded on to a user’s device when they access a website. They are used to store a range of information usually specific to that user or their device.

What cookies does this site use?


This cookie is set by web application built in ASP.NET MVC Technologies. This is an anti-forgery cookie used for preventing cross site request forgery attacks.


ASP.NET Session cookie, used to associate the anonymised user with their session data. Used during the booking process to track the progress state of the process.

Third-party links

This website may include links to third-party websites of interest. I do not control these third-party websites and I am not responsible for their privacy statements. When you leave my website, I encourage you to read the privacy notice of every website you visit.

If you have any questions about my Privacy Policy or the personal information I have collected about you, you can email me at [email protected].

If you are not happy with any aspect of how I collect and use your data, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues ( I would be grateful if you would contact me first if you do have a complaint so that I can try to resolve it for you.

I may update my privacy policy on occasion. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes. Class members will be notified promptly of any major changes.

This privacy policy was last updated on 2nd August 2024.