17/01/2020 10 Tell-tale Signs it’s January

It’s that time of the year when everyone aspires to be ‘new.’

It’s one of the longest and hardest months with its own special vibe going on.

I’m talking January…

1. Slimming club leaflets have started coming through your door.

Erm, rude?!

2. You can’t remember the last time you felt so enthusiastic about exercise (FYI – it was definitely January 2019)

EVERYBODY is ‘on it’ and all the buzz around getting super fit has sent your motivation levels through the roof. You are pumped.

3. Your caffeine intake has increased.

Despite your new found fitness motivation, you’re still recovering from all the Christmas and new year festivities. You’re also back at work and busier than ever. It doesn’t matter if you decide to workout in the morning or evening, coffee is required either way.

4. Whilst your exercise mojo says “GO!” the weather says “NO.”

The icy cold winds, teaming rain and grey skies don’t exactly say “c’mon, let’s get up and go!” It’s a good job it’s January otherwise nobody would be leaving their house unless out of absolute necessity. You get plenty of extra exercise running between your front door to the car and from the car to your workout location! Cue wet hair and soggy trainers.

5. If you’ve not already booked a holiday, you’ve definitely started dreaming about one.

I’ve already mentioned being back at work and the bad weather, need I say anymore?!

6. Every exercise class, gym, leisure centre or park is packed.

Be prepared to fight for your spot.

7. You’ve considered if it’s acceptable to have a day off for delayed-onset muscle soreness.

Those first few workouts are as painful as expected.

8. The central aisles of the supermarket are filled with home workout equipment.

I’m talking kettlebells, foam rollers, dumbbells, mats…You name it, they’re selling it! You have to do a double take and wonder if you’ve accidentally walked into the gym. To add to the confusion, you notice more people than ever are kitted out in sportswear!

9. You’ve never felt so guilty about having a glass of wine.

Everyone around you has signed up to dry January. You find yourself looking at your friends thinking, “I don’t even know you any more…”

10. The contents of your kitchen are confusing to say the least.

The fridge is filled with greens. Kale, cucumber and cabbage are stuffed in the salad drawer. Anything deemed ‘healthy’ has been panic bought in bulk. The cupboards meanwhile scream ‘convicted chocoholic’ and are stacked with half eaten boxes of After Eights, Quality Street and Roses leftover from Christmas.