22/06/2018 At Dance Fit It’s OK If…


The thought of group exercise can leave a lot of women in a cold sweat. The main fear is usually that they will embarrass themselves in front of others. I believe that feeling self-conscious is the number one reason many put off going to a fitness class as opposed to just a simple lack of motivation. At Dance Fit there really is no need to worry because the following things are all OK!…


1. It’s OK if you aren’t a size X, Y or Z – My classes are not full of supermodelesque girls. Size and shape is irrelevant when it comes to attending one of my sessions. Dance Fit is for everyone and your weight has nothing to do with your ability to workout!


2. It’s OK to laugh – It’s very rare we get through a routine at any one of my classes without someone laughing because they’ve gone the wrong way, messed up a move or made eye contact with a fellow class member! Dance Fit definitely doesn’t have a serious, boot camp style atmosphere, far from it!


3. It’s OK if you haven’t danced before – Dance Fit is not a class aimed at professional dancers. There aren’t many class members that have done dance classes before. Dance Fit is a dance-based workout not a pure dance class. It’s all about keeping moving not getting the steps perfectly. We are there to exercise and have fun, not learn complicated dance choreography for a performance!


4. It’s OK to sweat – There’s no point being embarrassed about getting hot and sweaty at a fitness class when everybody in the class is also hot and sweaty. You will not stick out like a sore thumb; you will blend in with the other beetroot faces! Nobody leaves class looking glamorous, FACT!


5. It’s OK if you’re not very fit – The whole point of coming to Dance Fit is to get fitter! You do not need to be at a certain fitness level to dance yourself fit. Everyone goes at their own pace and does what they can. It’s not a competition; don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Just like my classes aren’t filled with supermodels, they aren’t filled with athletes either! Everybody in attendance is there to improve. Feel like you’re struggling at a class? Take it steadier; take a drink break if you need to. No-one is going to be judging you.


6. It’s OK to come to Dance Fit whatever your age is – I have some very fit class members in their late sixties who prove that age is most certainly just a number. You have probably realised by now that if you have a body and can move it any capacity then you can come to Dance Fit!


7. It’s OK to come to class alone – There’s no need to be scared about not having a friend to come with because you will make friends at class. We workout as a group, you won’t feel lonely. The atmosphere is always friendly.


8. It’s OK if you’re not coordinated – If I had a penny for every time someone said to me “If I do my legs I can’t do my arms and if I do my arms I can’t do my legs!” I would be a rich girl! Coordination like anything takes practice and I promise you will get better slowly but surely.


9. It’s OK if you don’t like exercise – Dance Fit is exercise in disguise! Concentrating on following the moves will make you forget you’re exercising and the music makes it much more enjoyable. It’s so much fun it won’t feel like a chore.


10. It’s OK if it’s hard in the beginning – When you try any type of exercise for the first time it will feel hard. Your body isn’t used to it after all. Likewise if you’ve had a break from exercise it isn’t going to be easy jumping straight back into it. Don’t panic and don’t let this put you off trying again. Keep going and it will start to feel easier and you’ll feel fitter.